SUNI Schedule

Details below the table | Hotel information

MondayCheck-in, RegistrationWelcome BBQ catered by Jack Stack
Set-up Vendor area
TuesdayOzark Scenic Drive
Lunch at Canterburyhill Winery
Make meal choices at registration
Speaker: John Nikas
WednesdayIndependence Sightseeing:
Farmer's Market, Truman House / Library
Club ActivitiesSpeaker: Mike Jones
WWI Museum and other Kansas City sightseeing
Speaker: TBD
FridayConcours: Plus
Bingham-Waggoner Estate National Trails Museum
Banquet Catered by Hereford House
Dinner talk: Stock Tigers
Make meal choices at registration
SaturdayGoodbyes & Getaway Day

Monday, September 13

Pick up credentials check-in at the hotel. Hospitality room will be available for visiting with old friends.
The parts room for vendors will setup.

Jack Stack will cater our welcome BBQ on hotel grounds. (Zagat has named Jack Stack as the best BBQ in the nation, so we are really looking forward to judging for ourselves how good “the best” really is!)

Tuesday, September 14

Scenic drive east from Independence exploring the Ozark with a light lunch at the Canterbury Hill Winery near Jefferson City. We will pass Whiteman Air Force Base which today is the home for the Air Force’s fleet of B-2 Stealth Bombers. Once upon a time Doug Jennings maintained Minuteman missiles there.
Evening speaker: John Nikas will tell us about the history of Rootes.

Wednesday, September 15

Independence, MO tour
Lewis and Clark camped just north of the town on the return leg of their extraordinary expedition. July 15, 2021 marks the 215th anniversary that event. Independence became the starting point for three of the great national wagon trails to the west – the Santa Fe, California, and Oregon.
The Truman Presidential Library has been under renovation for over a year and will reopen in time for our visit.
Evening speaker: Mike Jones will talk about his experiences developing the Tiger for production.

Thursday, September 16

Autocross at an site west of town then continue into Kansas City. Or skip the Autocross and go directly to Kansas City. Visit the world-famous WWI Museum. Also in KC, Steam Arabia museum, the Hallmark Cards museum, Union Station, Cable Car to Missouri waterfront.
Evening speaker: Unfortunately Rosemary Smith has advised us that she will not be able attend. Another speaker is being considered.

Friday, September 17

Concours at the Bingham-Waggoner Estate adjacent to the National Trails Museum. Both attractions will be available open to visit during the concours.
Additionally, a Tiger expert will hold a session explaining the attributes of a stock Tiger. This will help educate us about the details the stock class judges are looking for.
Awards Banquet catered by the Hereford House at the hotel.